

9 x 5.3 inches, Acrylic on Found Paper

Piece of worn paper I found. I used the dimensions of the paper (in inches, translated into letters - 1 = a, 2 =b, etc) to generate the language.


11 x 6.2 inches, Acrylic on Found Paper

Piece of worn paper I found. I used the dimensions of the paper (in inches, translated into letters - 1 = a, 2 =b, etc) to generate the language.

Deceptively Deceived

13 x 13 inches, Acrylic and ink on found paper


14 x 22 inches, Acrylic ink, tracing paper, gesso, matte medium, collage


13 x 13 inches, acrylic, ink, newspaper


14 x 14 inches, acrylic, ink, gesso, found paper on board

February Twelve

16 x 14 inches, Newspaper on painted paper


19 x 23 inches, Tracing paper, cut letters, acrylic, ink, on board

The no Switch

12 x 13 inches, Acrylic, ink, cut paper on board

Ticket II

6 x 2 inches, Colored Pencil on Lottery Ticket

Winning lottery numbers connected in a shape.

More Lottery-based works here

Ticket III

6 x 2 inches, Colored Pencil on Lottery Ticket

Winning lottery numbers connected in a shape.

More Lottery-based works here

Ticket VI

6 x 2 inches, Colored Pencil on Lottery Ticket

Winning lottery numbers connected in a shape.

More Lottery-based works here

Ticket V

6 x 2 inches, Colored Pencil on Lottery Ticket

Winning lottery numbers connected in a shape.

More Lottery-based works here

Ticket V

6 x 2 inches, Colored Pencil on Lottery Ticket

Winning lottery numbers connected in a shape.

More Lottery-based works here


6 x 3 inches, Colored Pencil on Newspaper

Diagram of human emotional responses within financial news


4 x 3 inches, Ink on Newspaper

Fear Waves

9 x 4 inches, Colored Pencil on Newspaper

Diagram of human emotional responses within financial news.

Cloud Patterns

12 x 8 inches, Colored Pencil, cut and painted letters on Photograph

Money Maze

14 x 13 inches, Collage, graphite, and colored pencil on shaped board


3 x 5 inches, Ink on Newspaper




Generative Works